15 May 2016

UniKL IPROM Technical Training : Registration Day

Assalamualaikum uolss!! So I bet whoever read this right now mesti tgh wonder kan how UniKL IPROM punya technical training? So today I will share u my experience on my first day jejakkan kaki ke UniKL IPROM ni hehe.Before I msk sini I punya la Google mcm2 like nk tgh dia punya hostel mcm mana, location dkt mana, course2 dia apa and bnyk lagi la. Biasalah bdk bru nk rasa life university la katakan hahah. My technical training(TT) start plg awal dri kampus2 UniKL yg lain yg mana ada jugak la I rasa bersyukur tu sbb at least habis awal and dpt spend lots of time dgn family after that.

I guess mesti ramai yg tertanya-tanya, "what is technical training?", "kenapa UniKL ada practical utk foundation?", "motif praktikal? (lol)" dan bnyk la lgi dlm kepala otak korang tu kan hahah. Actually TT ni mostly semua kampus UniKL akan jalankan selama sebulan. Yuran dia pula dlm range RM100-RM400. It depends on kampus u pilih la. As for me, I minat management and engineering so I decided utk ambil Eng. In Tech. (hons.) in Business Management dkt IPROM so yuran registration for TT yg IPROM tetapkan adalah RM300 but kalau u minat software or computer engineering so u akn pilh UniKL MIIT utk buat u punya TT, for kampus MIIT, diorang cuma kenakan yuran sebanyak RM120. A bit cheaper la sbb barang2 yg digunakan di kampus itu berbeza dgn setiap kampus2 yg lain.

Technical training ni actually u akn belajar ttg every course yg ada dkt kampus yg u pilih tu. You will be exposed secara umum je la not specifically so that u guys know about each course yg korang akn ambil time degree nnti. Ok sebagai cth dkt bawah ni adalah list2 kursus yg ada dkt kampus UniKL IPROM.

Jadi semasa technical training, I belajar about 4 subjects yg mana each one of it represent each course. Cth, 4 subjects yg I belajar during my TT are:

-Engineering Drawing
-3D Modelling
-Solid Modelling
-Metrology and Workshop Practice

So I bertolak ke Kuala Lumpur(KL) on 1st May sbb 2nd May dah daftar. I stay in Kg. Baru then esk nye bru bertolak ke UniKL IPROM. Kalau u guys xthu jalan just google maps UniKL IPROM and tekan navigate or u guys also boleh guna waze. After sampai je dkt UniKL IPROM, I terus ke tingkat 3 utk register, bagi slip pembayaran yuran, ambil baju yg dia bg, kunci rumah and then terus ke lecture hall sebelah bilik pendaftaran utk dgr taklimat kejap.

Tengah tanda nama during register

After short explanation about UniKL IPROM and the courses, pihak UniKL mempelawa kami dan juga our parents utk melihat sendiri machine2 yg diguna oleh UniKL IPROM dalam pembelajaran setiap kursus yg ditawarkan. Memang canggih dan advanced, satu machine anggaran kosnya dlm more than a million okay. jadi student2 yg belajar di UniKL ni will gain experience dan pendedahan yg lebih awal dlm mengendalikan machine2 yg mereka akn jumpa dan kendalikan ketika bekerja nanti. So, takde la kekok, tongong, kaku, kelu dan bisu je time kerja nnti sbb xbiasa handle machine2 yg berkaitan dgn skop pekerjaan nanti kan uhuks. 

Actually workshop ni boleh tahan luas la, suasana dalam workshop ni mmg sebijik mcm dlm kilang tau. Bukan kilang yg penuh dgn bangla or abg2 indon yg xberapa nk sado tu ye, tapi penuh dgn students from UniKL IPROM yg handle all of these machines to produce and invent new product and design since IPROM ni stands for Institute of Product Design and Manufacturing.
Sebagai cth, student from course Eng. Tech. in Product Design and Industrial Design bertanggungjawab dlm mereka bentuk sesuatu benda/barang/perkara seperti meja,kerusi,kereta,boat,kapal and a whole lot more. Dari perkara atau benda yg paling senang like kerusi to the hardest and challenging design like a ship/boat or new invention that they made. Cool isn't it? ehem uhuks. So kat bwh ni iolss belanja u guys antara gmbr2 yg sempat i ambil dlm workshop ni.

Suasana dalam workshop.

Antara machine yg diguna pakai oleh UniKL IPROM.

Sebilangan kecil machine2 yg digunakan UniKL IPROM.

Parents and students were allowed to explore and walk around the workshop.

It is so cool isn't it? (yeah of course dude!)

After we visited the workshop and check out all of those fancy and modern machines, we are straight heading to our condominium which is the Bayu Condominium located at Pandan Jaya, Cheras dkt je dgn stesen LRT Pandan Jaya , the place we gonna stay for a month during our TT. This condo ada 3  rooms and 2 bathrooms/toilets. Satu master room with bathroom/toilet inside it with three katil double decker and 2 other rooms which ada 2 katil double decker utk setiap bilik.

Yihaa dh sampai at our condo after sesat a few min like blurghh!!

Gonna swim here everyday!! (ye la tu hmmm we'll see guys ahaks)

What our front door look likes (yeah i put this in case if you guys wonder what a door will look like hahaha)

Our living room/study tables located.

One of the toilets, this one yg kat luar.

Yeay we have a balcony!! ( a childish moment for yg suka termenung sambil minum kopi and berangan kat balcony lol)

The view from the balcony.

One of the rooms (sorry bersepah sikit psl bru pindah kan  hehe)

The master's bedroom punya toilet ( i put this bcos maybe some of u guys
will be wondering what a toilet bowl that I'm gonna use will look like hemm)

The beautiful view during the evening.

Our stunning midnight view from the balcony!

This is all that I wanna share with u guys and show u my experience on my first day of registration at IPROM and a little bit explanation about my campus. If u guys have been wondering about MARA, UniKL IPROM or any other UniKL campus, if u guys got lots of question to ask, please never being shy to leave and put your comment down below or directly dm me on my twitter : imani_abiann or instagram : imanifitri. It will be my pleasure to entertain and try my best to answer your thoughts. So, keep reading my blog till I post a new story of mine!!

9 May 2016

Permohonan ditrolak oleh UniKL? Cara Memohon Melalui Email Dengan Betul

Assalamualaikum and hello~

At first, I will show u an example of my email that I send to UniKL admission until they gave me a second chance to pursue my Foundation in one of the UniKL campus. So, when I wrote this email, I kept sending them for about three times per day and I keep doing it for a week (well it's been too long so I do not really remember anymore hehe). Here is an example of email that I send to UniKL admission. You may use this example and fix it or change it according to your application. Remember send this email at least "sekali sehari" tetapi jgn lebih dri 3 kali sehari, okay?

Foundation in Science & Technology(FIST) UniKL : Pengalaman 3rd Intake

Assalamualaikum semua. So hari ni I will tell u guys a bit la about my pengalaman at Kolej MARA Kulim selama setahun ni. I actually msk and daftar ke kolej ni as a third intake student. Masa mula2 mintak FIST ni dulu, UniKL actually rejected me and I pun buat tak tahu je la kan because at that time UPU tak keluar lagi so punya la confident akn dapat course yg di idam-idamkan tetapi lepas keluar UPU tu huhuhu menangis di bucu rumah iolss. Lain yg kita mintak, lain pulak yg kita dpt.
So, sebab kekononnya nk jugak course yg I minat which is business I try la apply for other universities but tak tahu la mcm mana Allah gerakkan hati utk tulis email kpd pihak UniKL. Sbb nye once u dah mntak UniKL and dia reject u, bila u nk apply balik borang online tu dh tak keluar so apa yg I buat time to was I email UniKL admission and spam dia punya inbox lols. I actually email them and nk minta tukar my first application from Foundation to Diploma. Sbb at first too many excellent students yg minta Foundation(FIST) UniKL ni but bila UPU result dh keluar so diorang chaw and membuatkan bnyk tempat yg kosong .

Bila dh spam2 bnyk kali  tu, adalah satu hari tu I dpt a text or message yg mengatakan I diterima msk ke FIST UniKL. Kalau korang nk tahu cara nk tulis email dgn betul, hah tekan link ni--> email My SPM result was suam2 kuku je but I can survive the foundation with cgpa 3.70. And I punya nasihat utk you guys , what ever u got in SPM, jgn give up, teruskan usaha. UniKL ni sngt bagus. Bila dh habis asasi ni you tak payah susah2 fkir kat mana ye aku nk sambung belajar lps ni because you akn diterima msk oleh semua kampus2 UniKL yg lain sebaik sahaja you finished your foundation. Tinggal you nk pilih je you nak msk kampus mana. MIAT ke, MESTECH ke, MICET ke and a whole lot more. Lagi satu walaupun I dpt bnyk tawaran lain seperti Matrik,UNITEN,UiTM but knp I pick UniKL. Senang je jawapan dia. Sbb MARA. Kalau I pilih Matrik I tak tahu la apa nasib I. Kalau I pilih UiTM, I kena bayar PTPTN. So the best way is MARA. Siapa yg ckp MARA problem tu, don't listen to them. Kami ni student MARA dpt elaun mcm biasa. Mara ada lah problem pd satu masa tu tp after that tak lama tu pulih sediakala sampai skrg. So jgn dgn khabar angin ye adik2 nnti menyesal tak sudah.

Masa I daftar dulu, UniKL still ambil student sampai 5th intake. So u guys kalau tak dpt tawaran ke mana2 jgn sedih2, jgn give up. Please la I beg u guys, go send them an email ckp u nk msk UniKL punya program sbb once u dh msk UniKL, your future will be very bright. Remember, gagal sekali tak bererti gagal selamanya. You cannot change the past but you can change the future. Jadi, I want u guys make a very wise decision. Fikir masak2, dulu I sanggup perjudikan my future dgn tunggu result UniKL, yg mana result tu after registration day Matrikulasi. But, you have to believe in Allah. Jgn putus doa dan alhamdulilah skrg I dh habis dh pun asasi tinggal bulan 9 ni dh nk sambung degree.Okay, so if you guys ada soalan boleh je comment kat sini or pm me directly di my Instagram : imanifitri or my Twitter : imani_abiann.
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